Password Generator

Press the button for a new password:

Your new password is:

Security experts say that the best passwords are those made up from randomly chosen characters. The Java script used to generate passwords is open source and reproduced below for auditing purposes. The script may also be viewed by opening the HTML source code for this page using your browser source viewer.

function GeneratePassword()
  var nChar, sPassword = "", nIndex;

  for(nIndex = 0; nIndex < 20; nIndex++)
       nChar = Math.floor( 100 * Math.random() + 30  );

       // Select only printable acscii characters.
       if(nChar < 33 || nChar > 126) continue;
       // Skip problem characters that cause some
       // applications to fail.
       if (nChar == 33 || nChar == 34 || nChar == 36 ||
           nChar == 37 || nChar == 39 || nChar == 46 ||
           nChar == 92 || nChar == 96) continue;
    sPassword = sPassword + String.fromCharCode(nChar);
  document.getElementById("newPassword").value = sPassword;